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Specialized Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment in Seattle and Chicago

Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) & Exposure Therapy for Social Anxiety  throughout Washington and Illinois

Social Anxiety Disorder is so much more than mere shyness; it's a diagnosable condition that deeply affects everyday interactions and quality of life. As someone who specializes in social anxiety therapy,, I understand that this disorder is characterized by an overwhelming fear of social situations, a paralyzing dread of judgment, and intense anxiety in what many consider routine social exchanges. Overcoming this isn't about just 'coming out of your shell'—it involves addressing the profound fear of being judged, negatively evaluated, or facing rejection in social or performance-related situations.


The journey through Social Anxiety Disorder involves both emotional and physical hurdles. Emotionally, it may feel like an insurmountable fear of engaging with others, from strangers to close friends, leading to intense worry for days or even weeks before social events, or avoiding these situations altogether. Physically, symptoms can range from blushing and nausea to trembling, sweating, and difficulty speaking, with many clients describing a sensation of 'blanking out' during social interactions.


But remember, you are not alone in this journey. Social Anxiety is more common than you might think, and it's entirely possible to manage and overcome these feelings with the right support. In my online practice in Chicago and Seattle, I offer a gentle, patient approach, centered around evidence-based treatments to ensure you're receiving the most effective therapy available. Together, we can navigate the challenges of Social Anxiety Disorder, empowering you to reclaim your confidence and enjoy the richness of social interactions.

Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment: Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Exposure  Therapy throughout Chicago and Seattle

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Exposure Therapy are recognized as the gold standard in evidence-based treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), grounded in a solid base of research and proven effectiveness. These therapies have been pivotal in significantly reducing, and often entirely alleviating, the symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder. CBT works by helping individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and beliefs that contribute to their social anxiety, while Exposure Therapy involves systematic confrontation with social situations that trigger anxiety, without resorting to avoidance or safety behaviors.


By engaging in these practices within a supportive and therapeutic environment, individuals learn to manage and reduce the intensity of their anxiety in social settings, gradually building confidence and social skills. The combination of CBT and Exposure Therapy has been extensively documented for its ability to provide substantial and lasting relief, making it a cornerstone in the journey towards overcoming Social Anxiety Disorder.


Online delivery of CBT and Exposure Therapy offers distinct advantages that can further improve the effectiveness of treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder. The ability to conduct therapy sessions in real-world environments, where social anxiety triggers are naturally present, adds an invaluable layer of relevance and applicability to the treatment process. This approach allows for the direct application of therapeutic techniques in situations that individuals find challenging, enhancing the therapy's impact. Online sessions also offer increased flexibility and accessibility, ensuring more consistent engagement and facilitating a faster progression through the therapeutic process. The adaptability and immediate applicability of online CBT and Exposure Therapy enable a more engaged, practical, and efficient path to managing and overcoming Social Anxiety Disorder. I’m honored to offer the online delivery of CBT and Exposure Therapy for those suffering from social anxiety disorder throughout Illinois and Washington.

Social Anxiety Disorder 101

Understanding Social Anxiety Disorder is the first pivotal step on your path to overcoming it, and I'm here to walk that path with you. Learning that the intense fear of social situations and the overwhelming dread of judgment you're facing are recognized symptoms of a widely acknowledged condition can significantly reduce the shame and loneliness you might be experiencing. This awareness allows us to collaborate more effectively, applying evidence-based techniques to help you navigate social contexts more comfortably and regain a sense of control in your life. Together, we'll build the confidence you need to face social situations with newfound strength and resilience.

What is social anxiety disorder?

Social Anxiety Disorder is a persistent fear of one or more social or performance situations where the person is exposed to unfamiliar people or to possible scrutiny by others. Common symptoms include intense anxiety in social situations, avoidance of social interactions, physical symptoms of anxiety (e.g., sweating, trembling, nausea), and excessive fear of being embarrassed or judged.


SAD is a common anxiety disorder, affecting millions worldwide. It often begins in the teen years, but its roots can start in childhood. Understanding that they're not alone can help clients see their experiences as part of a wider, understood condition.

Causes and Risk Factors: While the exact cause of Social Anxiety Disorder is unknown, it's believed to be a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Risk factors may include family history of anxiety disorders, temperament, and exposure to negative social experiences or upbringing.

Cognitive Aspects

SAD is often fueled by negative thought patterns, such as catastrophic thinking (expecting the worst-case scenario) and mind reading (assuming you know what others are thinking). Identifying and challenging these thought patterns are key strategies in cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Behavioral Aspects

Avoidance is a core behavior in SAD, where individuals dodge social situations to prevent anxiety. While this provides short-term relief, it reinforces fear in the long run. Treatment often involves gradually facing feared situations (exposure therapy) to build tolerance and reduce avoidance.

What is the most effective treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) combined with Exposure Therapy stands as the gold standard in treating Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). This powerful duo addresses the root causes and manifestations of social anxiety by altering negative thought patterns and confronting fear-inducing situations head-on. One of the most significant advantages of online therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is the opportunity it provides for conducting Exposure Therapy in environments that are directly relevant to the individual. This approach enhances the practicality and effectiveness of treatment, tailoring it more closely to the client's daily life and specific anxiety triggers.

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